For receiving this
award I have to....
1. Follow the
person who gave me the award. Check
2. Link back to the
person that gave me the award. Check
3. Pass to 15 new
bloggers and let them know they have received the
award..... Ummmm Check??
Since so many blogs have been nominated for this award and it is just about impossible to find 15 blogs to nominate I am going to go out on a limb. If you have not received this award please feel free to pick this one up for your blog. I hope I will not offend anyone.
I am hoping to find a fifth grade class that would want to be pen pals with my fifth grade homeroom for this school year. I have always wanted to find another class that my class could correspond with and even Skype with a few times a year. I did participate in an online reading project last year with Projects by Jen where we read Charlotte's Web and the final activity was to Skype with other classrooms around the United States. It was okay but the students wanted a more personal experience. If another blogger out there would be interested email me or write something in my comments & I will contact you to see if pen pals would work.
Lastly, a very fun linky party from Ashley over at Fierce in Fourth. Even us old timers (16 years) get the first day of school jitters. So I am going to share three things I am worrying about.
1. My school adopted a new textbook math series, Go Math. I actually have never used a math textbook series. I have used Simple Solutions & my curriculum as my guide on what to teach & then supplement my own materials. So if anyone out there in bloggyland uses or have used the Go Math series and can offer any advice please do. I am hoping this change is going to make things easier on the planning end. But I am worried about the pacing for my students. Will it go too fast or too slow and how to I differeinate my lessons for all my students? I feel so confused:/
2. The unknown really drives me nuts at school. Some years there is so many changes such as; students, co-teachers, new teachers & curriculum right before school starts. I am a planner and I am happiest when I can prepare ahead. But I also know as a teacher you must go with the flow & be flexible. Everything always works out just how it needs to be.
3. Last year was a very stressful year. Physically I was totally drained at the end of the year. I so needed summer break. I use to not want school to end for the summer but not this last year. Is it my age or just that school year (I had 15 students, 6 of them on the autism spectrum and 2 others labeled LD in math & reading.). I just cannot do that to myself and my family again this year. So I vowed no more late nights at school & all weekend planning. Just how do I do that is the question?
Check out the other blogs that have linked up at Fierce in Fourth. Also any advice for my jitters?